One should note the most popular services, the homeowner is hiring a “pet” holiday. Your home should be adequate to cover for animals and features such as a fenced yard, dog beds, food and water bowls, furniture, and information on local activities and attractions pets. Tell your guests to their animals rabies shots and tags updated collar or chip implant get loose as their pets. Ask your veterinarian for more information about the care of pets for the visitors.
If everything really “pets” and “provisions for pets,” Customers are willing to pay for the service. I have heard of fees as low as $ 10.00 per pet per night heard, towards a deposit $ 300.00 plus $ 75.00 damages. If you decide to accept pets, that the cost of your pets, deposit requirements and conditions in your description of the property and the lease specified. Make an additive for pets on a sheet of paper and send your confirmation.
I traveled with a pet once, when I had cleared a fire with my golden retriever of 12 years. We arrived on a vacation in Palm Springs and the pet fee of $ 100.00 for three nights. Fortunately, the building had a large garden and a few dog toys and even some low quality dog ​​food. If your house is suitable for pets, a number of improvements to consider and begin pets benefit from this huge segment of the travel industry.